in|sure Workflow
6 good reasons for in|sure Workflow:

Easy integration
in|sure Workflow operates with existing policy and claims systems and is optimized for in|sure Eco-sphere process control. Multiple input and output channels can be easily integrated.

Maximum end-to-end automation of numerous insurance processes frees up human resources for your core business.

in|sure Workflow performs predefined universal business processes in order to automate the pro-cessing of insurance claims.

Full transparency
Real-time monitoring (near real-time) of the entire process enables you to perform targeted anal-yses and to make rapid optimizations.

Process/rule definitions can be customized at any time, allowing you to map the specific details of processes and business rules.

Reduced error rate
in|sure Workflow uses skill-based task distribution to efficiently support manual processing and to significantly minimize error rates.
Do you have any questions about in|sure Workflow?
We are happy to answer them.
Hansjörg Süess
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